Women’s Battle Royal
To begin this week, I want to talk about a few things that have come to light in the past few days. First, the Women’s Battle Royal set to have its inaugural match at WrestleMania 34 is being renamed. It will no longer be the, “Fabulous Moolah Memorial Battle Royal.” After some information of Moolah’s past came out, the name was pulled, and will now be called the “WrestleMania Women’s Battle Royal.” As a new fan, I did not know who Moolah was, but after these accusations have come back to light, I am proud of the WWE to pull the title, and for risk of losing their sponsors, I’m sure they are too. See the full story and information from CBS Sports here.
Hall of Fame
On to some happier news, Mark Henry, the World’s Strongest Man, is included in the 2018 WWE Hall of Fame inductees. So glad to hear that. I love listening to his insight on Busted Open. Congratulations, Mark, you truly deserve it.
Will Daniel Bryan return?
And finally, some more rumors are swirling around Daniel Bryan and where he will be this year for WrestleMania. In an interview with The National over the weekend, Bryan discussed his future with wrestling and, what people are grabbing on to as the most interesting part, that they, “can go one way in story-line if he is cleared and another if he is not.” Meaning – Daniel Bryan may have a 50/50 chance and be back in a wrestling story-line before we know it. This will definitely keep me hanging on the events of the next few Smackdowns. Also, you can see the whole interview with The National here.
I’ll see you all on Thursday after all the live events are through for the week to present more thoughts and discussions.