The Olympians and The Authority
This week, we started Raw strong with a face-to-face, Q&A with Stephanie, Triple H, Kurt Angle, and Ronda Rousey. The talking I felt was good. Kurt indicated several times that Stephanie will be tapping out to Ronda at WrestleMania and Ronda was quick to make sure she knew which arm to rip off so Stephanie could still sign her checks. Overall, it was a good segment, but at the end, Triple H and Stephanie power bombed Ronda through a table, and I still feel that the moves look a tad robotic. Also, as I’ve heard Bully Ray say, the toughest thing to do in wrestling is show that you are in pain from a move. For me, I think Ronda still needs some work on that.
Mean Girls
Alexa Bliss and Mickie James are laying the insults on thick. It’s probably a good thing. It’s been said that it’s hard to be a heel in the WWE these days. So what’s the best way for Alexa, the heel, to become a hated heel? Make fun of Nia and make fun of her based on her weight. The things she says are awful, but what can you expect from such a heel? It will be that much sweeter when the Irresistible Force takes the title from the champ on Sunday.
The Biggest Loser
John Cena has not been able to get The Undertaker to answer his call, and this week was no different. We got another extended promo of John Cena stating he will not enter the Battle Royal, he will not be Braun’s partner, and he will not enter any fatal-multi-superstar matches. He will go as a fan, and that is because he lost at every opportunity he had. So, if The Undertaker stays away, what becomes of John Cena? Maybe he becomes the host of WrestleMania? Or, as fan who called into Busted Open Radio said, maybe Cena will be interviewed in the crowd, and as he’s sitting with his popcorn, talking about the time he’s having, the bell rings, the lights go out, and we get an impromptu match with Cena and Undertaker. Man, would that be awesome!
Brock and Roman
No one can cut a promo like Paul Heyman. Heyman really gives it to us, painting Brock as a true villain who does what he wants when he wants. Who ended the streak of The Undertaker, while we all cried in the stands, and Heyman and Brock laughed. Roman would then come in, blocked by several of the members of the locker room, to try and keep the peace. Roman reminded them who exactly they were protecting, and after a very quick moment to think about the, “really guys, you’re going to protect this part-timer,” they let him through to Brock. Roman landed 5 superman punches before getting F-5’d after a distraction. Over the past few weeks, I’ve gone back and forth with how I feel about this match. And though many think it’s a foregone conclusion that Roman will get the belt and Brock will leave for the UFC, I am not convinced, and I think this one will be must watch.
Unknowns going into Sunday
Braun Strowman’s tag team partner is yet to be announced, and though it probably won’t be his twin brother, Brains, the speculations are infinite on who it could be.
Questions still swirl around what will now become of Bray Wyatt, since he has been deleted. Will he return as a Woken Warrior? Will he lose his name and become someone else? Time will tell.
Smackdown Live
Shane Returns
Shane is back! After suffering with diverticulitis and a hernia, Shane returned to let us all know that he will be Daniel Bryan’s tag team partner against Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens. We also got to see the two (Bryan and McMahon) exchange apologies to each other and engage in a very strong hug, which the crowd loved. Finally, Daniel and Shane are on the same page. What a perfect time for a swerve! Kevin and Sami later would come out and address the bosses, letting them know in some detail what kind of beat-down they can expect at WrestleMania. Maybe Shane will get a scar on his forehead to match Vince’s? What we know is if Sami and Kevin lose, they will not fight in a Smackdown ring again. Will they go to Raw or will they just be gone? The one thing I will agree with, as stated in Kyle Decker’s article from Cageside Seats is that why weren’t Shane and Daniel angrier? Sami and Kevin inflicted some serious physical harm on them, and they didn’t say anything about that? Sami and Kevin could have ended their careers, and again, nothing was said? Was it an oversight, or are Daniel and Shane too confident?
The Dream match
This week, Shinsuke and AJ teamed up again as a tag team against Shelton Benjamin and Chad Gable. In the end, AJ is just about to hit Shinsuke with his finisher, when he stops, and pats him on the head instead. Giving Shinsuke a taste of his own medicine and giving us a good set up for Sunday. Both have shown strength in psyching out his opponent and I am excited to see their “styles clash” on Sunday.
Tag Team Drama and another false cash-in
For the tag teams, we got a lackluster commercial promo leading up the three-way tag team match and Carmella, again, tried to cash in unsuccessfully as Charlotte was down in the ring during her fight against Nattie. It didn’t go this time either, as Charlotte punted the case out of Carmella’s and over the ropes.
Rusev Day
The four-way US Title match should be interesting, and I know we’re all excited to see Rusev fight for a title, but I wish the crowds would stop chanting “Rusev day” when he is not a part of the action. Chant it when he is about to be announced or you think he is. Chant it when he is in the ring, but don’t chant it when he is not what the focus is on or if he’s not even out there! Rant is over. Rusev picked up the win over Jinder with a matchka kick.
See you on the road to WrestleMania!