Has anyone else found themself in this scenario? You’re watching Raw or Smackdown Live, and all of sudden, new music hits and a new face enters the ring. If you’re like me, you’re thinking, “who is this person and why haven’t I heard of them before?” Please welcome to the stage the call-up package.
The past few live programs on Monday and Tuesday night have employed a likely old tactic of introducing new talent in a very bright and thought provoking call-up package. Now, I understand that this can’t always be the case. For example, when AJ Styles was set to come to WWE. It would’ve been a large disappointment to see him prior to his entrance in the Royal Rumble. But, generally speaking, I feel the call-up packages have helped tremendously for these upcoming superstars.
For one thing, I now know their names. So even though I may not recognize their entrance music on the first day, when I see the name flash up, I can go, “oh, there’s that call-up from NXT, her style is this or his reputation is that.” And although it’s not a surprise that they are coming, we still don’t know exactly when they are set to arrive. And as someone who doesn’t watch NXT, I have no indication by finding out their story-line is ending or a feud for the is over. But I know them now.
And not just their names; with the intro packages, we get a glimpse into their personas and can start thinking about where they might fit in. Are they traditionally a heel or who might they fit well with the faces? Will they come up as a faction or solo? So many questions inspired by a simple 30 second package!
So, keep it up, WWE. Keep the talent coming up and keep introducing these superstars to me. The future is coming, and I’m excited to see the change.
[…] let’s not forget to mention where the new recruits or the inclusion of the cruiserweights will fall into the […]