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Family Trees in Wrestling is the next series I’d like to embark on and one that has fascinated me for a while. I’ll have to do some research on these families, especially the Anoa’i family, but with the state of the world right now, what else is there to do!
I’ll start this series with some “Americans.” Namely, the American Dream and the American Nightmare, the Rhodes family. Starting in Austin, TX, Virgil Riley Runnels, Jr., better known as Dusty Rhodes became a legend in professional wrestling. This is his family tree.
Rhodes Family Tree

Rhodes Tree Text
Virgil Riley Runnels, Jr. (The American Dream Dusty Rhodes – b. 1945, d. 2015)
- Married Sandra Runnels in 1965; divorced 1975
- Children with Sandra
- Dustin Patrick Runnels (Goldust) b. 1969
- Married Terri Runnels in 1993; divorced 1999
- Children – daughter Dakota Avery b. 1994
- Married Ta-Rel Marie Roche in 2012
- Married Terri Runnels in 1993; divorced 1999
- Kristen Runnels Ditto
- Dustin Patrick Runnels (Goldust) b. 1969
- Children with Sandra
- Married Michelle Rubio in 1975; married until 2015 (Dusty’s death)
- Children with Michelle
- Teil Runnels b. 1980
- Cody Garrett Runnels Rhodes (Cody Rhodes/The American Nightmare Cody) b. 1984
- Married Brandi Rhodes in 2013
- Children with Michelle