Wow, wow, wow! What an amazing pay-per-view on Sunday.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if you’re not going to go last, go first! I don’t think any match was nearly as exciting or jump-worthy as Jeff Hardy versus Randy Orton. Randy Orton took his sadistic tendencies to a new level. I’d like to do a poll of the number of people who threw up watching him twist that screwdriver through Jeff Hardy’s ear! Besides the match between Roman and Braun, which was overall good, but had a disappointing ending, I don’t think anything kept my interest like Orton and Hardy. Very well done, guys!
Another thought I had is that the amount of blood was high on this pay-per-view. In the PG-era, it is interesting to see that. Between Randy Orton’s back/leg and AJ Style’s mouth, the blood visualization added to the horror that is Hell in a Cell. And finally, because I feel the first and last matches were the best (sorry AJ and Joe), we got the re-emergence of Brock Lesnar.
Since losing his Universal Title, we have not seen or heard from Brock Lesnar. Some speculated that he’d find his way to the UFC. Others assumed he was just gone and Heyman would pick up a new client. But, it appears he will stick around, at least for now. And man, did he idealize the persona of “the beast” on Sunday.
Hell in a Cell solidified itself as the best pay-per-view since WrestleMania for me.