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In the days leading towards Extreme Rules, let’s relax, sit back, and talk some Raw and Smackdown Live. Now, I’ve already given my two cents on the absence of Brock Lesnar. But, I find it very interesting that the signs in the crowd at both shows this week make it very clear that it is widely felt. Signs saying, “I’ve been to more WWE events than Brock Lesnar,” or, “Things I’ve seen this year,” with a check list and Brock Lesnar is not marked off. So, since we already know that Brock Lesnar was not a point from Raw that we will be covering, let’s get into what was good and what was bad this past week.
- Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins – this continues to be an interesting addition to Monday nights. Roman has been pretty good lately calling out “Bob” Lashley and building up a little heat there. But this one is borderline for me. Roman just seems whiny. He can’t beat Brock Lesnar, no one really wants to be his partner for anything, and his having a hard time finding his place.
- Bo Dallas – I’m not including the whole B Team here because I really think that Bo impersonating his actually brother in Bray Wyatt is what’s on par with this one. And I guess, Curtis does a good Matt Hardy too.
- Team Hell No – re-inspiring what was left off with from Daniel Bryan, we get a re-introduction to one of the most exciting tag teams of recent history. Now, after graduating with honors from anger management with Dr. Shelby, it would seem that these two could pick up and be on the same page. But, Daniel Bryan has some grievances to air. Tonight, the team was able to keep it together, defeating The Usos and heading to Extreme Rules to face The Bludgeon Brothers.
- Sweet Beetz – early in the night, prior to facing Team Hell No, The Usos allowed us to revisit a little known nickname for Daniel Bryan – Sweet Beetz!
video credit: WWE
- Kurt Angle – Kurt needs to have some consistency in his punishments. Ronda Rousey gets a little too heated, and she gets suspended for 30 days. Braun attacks Kevin Owens, destroys his property, and may have caused him serious bodily injury after the tumble he took in the port-a-potty, and Braun gets…nothing. Not a thing. No repercussion whatsoever. What the angle here, Kurt?
- Sasha and Bayley – so we get out first counseling session with Dr. Shelby for Bayley and Sasha. And what should be a good story moving forward started out with very little spark. The screen time was all of 5-10 minutes, and most of it was just video with talk over.
- Asuka and Ellsworth – I like James Ellsworth, and I like his role on TV, but why have him face Asuka and not even get one hit in. I of course do not want him to wail on her, but if you’re going to have a mixed match, let the guy get a least one hit in so that it can add to some sense of story.
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