In these 24 hours since SummerSlam, I thought I’d post some alternate story-lines and other snippets that I’d love to see moving forward.
The Return of the Authority
It seems un-needed and for some unwanted to have Triple H or Stephanie McMahon included in story lines anymore. But that is exactly what I think is needed right now. Even after Braun Strowman retained the MITB contract last night, I think it would be great to continue with Kevin Owens for a little while longer.
At some point, KO should get the contract or he should have an opportunity to get the Universal Title. When that happens, Stephanie and Triple H should enter, showing their support for KO. After all, in the past, Triple H gave KO his first Universal Title and Stephanie was quick to agree with KO’s stipulation for his match against Braun. I could see it happening.
The Demon and Finn Balor
After seeing Finn Balor assume the persona of The Demon last night, I had a thought that would help keep Finn at the fore-front of the talks and scheduling. I think The Demon should be a Mr. Hyde persona that Finn tries to keep at bay, but that comes out when the odds are too strongly against Finn. In this way, Finn, if it’s portrayed correctly, can work as a true face and a true heel. The idea seems like it could go over well, especially considering how other superstars see The Demon.
Corbin alluded to the fact that The Demon is a more powerful, darker version of Finn by saying, “we didn’t agree to this,” when The Demon presented. If the story can be written and worked to allow Finn to play both Finn Balor as the face we cheer and The Demon we boo, then this idea could be truly exciting. Finn could find himself in a more prominent role if superstars always have to worry about when The Demon may show.
The Miz and Daniel Bryan – a long-time feud for the ages
I really enjoyed the build-up and finish of the match between The Miz and Daniel Bryan. I would love if their feud never had to end. Instead, we’d get small glimpses of victories on one side or the other, but never a conclusive “end” match. For these two, I think it would be better if the two of them meeting in a main-event or at a pay-per-view was always a possibility. That the two were always there, interfering in each other’s matches, always ready to keep the saga going. Ahh, that’d be nice.
What do you think? Comment, like, share.