Preparing for WrestleMania 34 and the matches that are set for action, it is important to think about what’s next for Daniel Bryan. As the current Smackdown Live general manager, he has set the match that will take place between himself and Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens with Shane McMahon as his partner. However, as I mentioned in a previous post (see here), we are not sure what is at stake for Daniel Bryan if he were to lose that match. I was thinking about it more today as Dave LaGreca spoke with The Coach on Busted Open. Coach mentioned that if it was a possibility, he would be interested in becoming a general manager, but would prefer to stay at Raw. He didn’t say much more about it, not hinting that it was coming or that he’d been asked, just stating that he thinks he’d be good at it. So it got me thinking, how could something like that happen? Well, here’s how I think it could happen.
Daniel Bryan, wanting to return to a full-time wrestling schedule, will lose his match to Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, and the consequences of that will be that he will have to leave Smackdown Live and step down at GM. Kurt Angle will meet a similar fate when he is fired from the GM position on Raw after he and Ronda Rousey defeat Stephanie and Triple H at WrestleMania. Kurt will then begin talks with Shane McMahon, who will invite him to become the new Smackdown Live GM, opening up a spot for The Coach to assume the position on Monday Night Raw. What do ya think? I mean, it’s possible, right. Stephanie will want Kurt out of there after he humiliates them at WrestleMania and that will free up Daniel Bryan to go back full-time. We know there’s going to be a superstar shake-up after Mania, but they never said that management couldn’t shake up as well.
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