What a turnaround we got this week on Monday Night. After the introduction of Vince McMahon and then entire McMahon family, we find out that changes are a-coming. The time of “middle management airing their grievances,” and other petty issues has come to an end. Raw is now our show. We are the authority now. So just how exactly are the fans going to become the authority?
Some people think that this may be a trap. That the powers that be can’t really be making us the authority, except to try to turn it on us in the end. As in, when the show continues to suck, they can blame us. Now, that may have been true in the past, but I personally believe that real changes are coming and that they really are listening.
One example of this that I have is the WWE Fan Council. Several months ago, I got invited to be a member of the WWE Fan Council. I’m not exactly sure how I got on this list, but I know that it does not include everyone who watches WWE, purchases their merchandise, or subscribes to the network (and I know that because my husband is not a member).
Every month, specifically after a pay-per-view, I receive a survey in my email box. This survey usually asks general questions about the previous pay-per-view event and specific matches. For example, “what was the highlight of this pay-per-view event to you,” “who did you watch the event with,” “how did you watch the event,” etc. Now, I’m sure WWE is well aware of their retweets on Twitter and their Instagram followers. But the Fan Council is a tangible, albeit very pointed, way of finding out what the fans liked and what they didn’t like.
So yes, whether we believe it or not, the WWE is listening. They understand that without us, there is no WWE. And the best ways we can show them what we like and what we don’t like are to use social media to our advantage and to ask for things with respect (women’s tag team titles, please). The responsibility is all of ours.