The state of the Women’s Championship match heading toward number 35
WrestleMania is a short 23 days away. In the world of WWE, 23 days is half an eternity. So many things can happen in the next 3 weeks and I know that. New matches are set or confirmed every day it seems, so there is plenty to be excited about. And I like my wrestling to be exciting. I’m really trying to sit back, relax, and just enjoy the stories being told. But for me, the track of logic in the story between Ronda, Becky, and Charlotte is lacking.
The changes
So much has happened between these women that I can barely remember how everything started. And I worry that we’ve been so saturated by Becky Lynch on TV lately that she’s losing steam. So let’s recap.
The Royal Rumble
In January, Becky was the hottest wrestler on the roster. At the rumble, she was set to face Asuka for the Smackdown Women’s Championship. During that match, Becky tapped out to Asuka, and it seemed all hope was lost for Becky. Then, after Lana suffered an injury and could not compete in the women’s Royal Rumble, Becky came out to take her place and defeated Charlotte Flair to win the women’s Royal Rumble match.
The Champ chooses her opponent
The following night at Raw, Becky, in a knee brace, announced that she wants Ronda at WrestleMania for the Raw Women’s Championship. She had sustained a lot of damage to her knee facing Charlotte in the rumble, and was showing the effects. After refusing to let WWE doctors examine her and clear her for competition, Becky Lynch is suspended by Vince McMahon for 60 days. This suspension would be set to run out after WrestleMania. In her place, Vince appointed Charlotte Flair as Ronda’s new WrestleMania opponent.
Elimination Chamber
Becky shows up, against her suspension, on crutches, and attacks both Ronda and Charlotte after Ronda Rousey’s match. All good things so far, and mostly logical, but let’s recap.
- Becky, a last-minute/replacement entrant in the rumble, challenges Ronda after beating CHARLOTTE in the Royal Rumble
- Becky gets suspended because she won’t go see docs and has a bad attitude
- Ronda needs an opponent, so CHARLOTTE is appointed by Vince
- Becky won’t stay away and continues to inflict pain on those who have wronged her
Okay, we’re back, let’s continue on with this track.
Ronda interjects after she gets fed up
After another Monday night with Ronda getting attacked by a suspended Becky Lynch, Ronda decides she can’t take it and demands that Vince reinstates Becky in the match. Stephanie comes out instead of Vince and Ronda appears to vacates her title. Now here’s the big one.
With seemingly no real explanation and no other way to get Becky in the match at WrestleMania, Stephanie McMahon lifts Becky’s suspension. All she has to do is sign a statement saying she won’t sue WWE if she gets injured further. That’s it! She signs this document, she faces Charlotte at Fastlane and wins, the WrestleMania match becomes a triple threat. And at Fastlane, that is exactly what happened. Lynch was declared the winner after a disqualification from interference by Ronda made her victorious.
The rub for me
Here’s the rub for me: story lines mean little if there is no logical train of thought involved. At the end of WrestleMania, I fully expect that Becky will be standing tall holding the Raw Women’s title, but I do feel that the moment has been weakened by the trajectory this story has taken. I firmly believe that based on the story that has been told, Charlotte is the only logical opponent that Ronda should have. Becky should never have been in the Royal Rumble and should not be in the position that she is in. If we look back, it just doesn’t make sense. And now, we’re playing catch up to make it work.