WWE Draft -a miss this year
A few weeks ago, WWE held a draft of superstars. The two brands, Raw and SmackDown, chose superstars to round out their rosters and to build upon. I usually like the draft. It’s a fun idea and it’s exciting to see who gets picked to what brand. But this year has been different.
I’m not watching like I used to. I feel like they used to do a really good job of building up the draft and making the night a must-watch. But I haven’t liked the format. I don’t like Stephanie walking out and announcing the selected superstars in a one-off between matches. I don’t like that superstars have matches to determine whose brand gets the first pick? It’s confusing.
Necessary Changes
And showing backstage is kinda neat. I like seeing the “war rooms” for each brand, but again, there should be a selected person coming out to announce draft picks. I understand that there are no commissioners anymore, so we need to have someone else doing the announcing and selecting. Maybe with the crossover to Fox, one of the known people on Fox could choose for SmackDown and a representative from USA could choose for Raw.
So, I’ve watched the draft. On Friday night and while flipping between other things on Monday night. It’s a lacking concept for me and with such a strong showing on Raw and the debut on Fox for SmackDown, it feels to me like they could’ve done more.
What did you think of the draft?
Crown Jewel – Seth v. Bray
Now, we’ll move forward to Crown Jewel. We were all pretty disappointed with the end of the Seth Rollins and Bray Wyatt match at Hell in a Cell. Now, at Crown Jewel, we get a rematch of this.
The match stipulation is that it “cannot be stopped for any reason.” Let’s just point out that typically, a hell in a cell match is supposed to have the same stipulation. No count out and no disqualification tend to fall into that realm, but for some reason, the superstar who did not try for a pin after hitting a man with his finisher multiple times would get the benefit of this new stipulation.
He Better get the Belt
So we’ll see what happens in this next chapter. If Bray Wyatt still cannot get the title, they need to stop putting those two together. It weakens the fiend character and it makes Seth Rollins look stupid.
Other matches to look forward to
I am excited to see (not live of course) Brock Lesnar face Cain Velasquez and to see Tyson Fury face Braun Strowman. These are the money matches; these are the pull for this event. I think these stories have been better than some others that we’ve had. Brock facing the only man who has ever defeated him in UFC. Braun facing a boxing legend. The stage is set for these to be huge matches. And I don’t think that they will be as predictable as we might expect. The matches could go either way. I’ll be interested to see just how they end up.
Could be a commercial? Progressive of course.
Also, can someone tell me why Bray Wyatt’s houses keep getting burned down. His insurance must be through the roof.